GM-Coupon List 05.10.24

Dear Iberians! Please pay attention and be careful with phishing tries. If you didn't request a new password and you received an e-mail, don't click in any image or link!! If you have doubts please contact support before clicking anywhere! Your 4story Team
  • 1 GM Coupon:

    - 15x Snowball

    - 15x Burning Pumpkins

    - 10x Blue Firework (from 5x to 10x)

    - 10x Red Firework (from 5x to 10x)

    - 10x Colorful Firework (from 5x to 10x)

    2 GM Coupons:

    - 5x Rice Cake Soup – Regenerate 20% of your health points cool-down time 45 secs

    - 10x Halloween Sweet – Make character head big

    - 5x Chocolate Rudolph – Gives a random buff for a certain time. ex: 5 min Attack Strength (Increases damage dealt by you by 10%),5 min Defense (Increases your defensive strength by 10%),5 min Vitality (Increases life force by 15%),5 min of Mental Strength (Increases your will by 15%),3 sec Drunk (Being drunk for 3 sec)

    - 5x Almond Chocolate

    - 5x White Chocolate

    - 3x Sweet Cherry (from 1x to 3x)

    - 3x Sweet Blueberry (from 1x to 3x)

    - 5x Rune of Bundling

    5 GM Coupons:

    - 1x Transport Permit – Seal Crafted Items allowing to be traded

    - 1x 1.000 Bonus Points

    - 20x Gift of Gods – First- Class Mana Potion. Complete Recovery of Mana (from 15x to 20x)

    - 20x Gift of Gods - First – Class Healing Potion. Restores 14.000 points if life) (from 15x to 20x)

    - 1x 130% Growth Potion for Guild Members. Lasts 3 hours and can be debuffed.

    -10x Small Experience Blessing

    10 GM Coupons:

    - 1x 200% Growth Potion (1 hour) – Increase the experience 200% during 1 hour

    - 1x Refined Potion of Recklessness (1 hour) – For one hour damage will be increased by 375 and armor by 112

    - 1x Unicorn Biscuit – For 3 hours, you will receive 180% quest experience points

    - 2x New Year's Bell Ringing (Mana and health are increased by 15% for 30 minutes) (new item)

    20 GM Coupons:

    - 1x 200% Growth Potion (4 hours) – Increase the experience 200% for 4 hours

    - 20x Hero’s Medals

    - 1x Four-Leaf Clover Potion (this potion increases the chance of monster dropping items by 100% for 1 hour)

    25 GM Coupons:

    - 1x Companion Fortune Potion – Increases the chance of the companion level up in 50%

    - 1x Experience Chocolate 3 hours – For 3 hours, you will get experience points every 10 seconds

    - 1x 300% Growth Potion (4 hours) – Increase experience 300% for 4 hours (from 30 coupons to 25)

    - 5x Scroll of Teleportation

    - 1x Your Equipment in a color of your choice - 1 Piece only

    • 1x armor or 1x weapon
    • All existing colors and colorless
    • You can choose the color per piece
    • You must wear the items or put them in a separate backpack containing only these item
    • The selected colour disappears when you upgrade the item

    30 GM Coupons:

    - 1x Magnificent Treasure Chest – Cash Gemstone, Flawless Gemstone, Moon Crystal, Potion of Recklessness (3 hours), Serendipity Potion 200%, Formula of Transformation

    - 1x Guardian Angel (30 days) – Protects your character during the battle. If an attack kills you, restores all your health points. Cooldown 5 minutes

    - 1x Armor or weapons (lvl48)

    - 1 x Cloak of Immortality (Lvl 48)

    40 GM Coupons:

    - 1x Box of the Angry Fire Spirit. Rune of Angry Fire Spirit

    - 1x Box of the Young Fire Dragon. Rune of Young Fire Dragon

    - 5x Rune of Bundling Chest

    50 GM Coupons:

    - 1x 10.000 Bonus Point

    - 1x Unicorn Chocolate – For 7 hours, you will get experience points every 10 secs

    - 1x Unicorn Jam – For 3 hours, your attack will be increased in 415 and your defense in 125

    new price

    - 1x Two-Handed Sword of Winter Twilight (non tradable)

    - 1x Skullsplitter Axe (non tradable)

    - 1x Cursed Rod of the Abyss (non tradable)

    60 GM Coupons: (New category)

    (new price) - All mounts are temporary - 30 days

    - 1 x Infuriated Behemoth

    - 1 x White Majestic Horse

    - 1 x Ratha Panda

    - 1 x Tiger Tarantula

    - 1 x Forest Tarantula

    - 1 x Albino Tarantula

    - 1 x Obsidian dragon

    - 1 x Sapphire Dragon

    - 1 x Gorilla

    - 1 x Snow Kitsune

    - 1 x Sea kitsune

    - 1 x Lightning kitsune

    - 1 x Heart Ratha Panda

    - 1 x Eggmobile

    - 1 x Polar Battle Bear

    - 1 x Hell Steed

    - 1 x Flamingo

    - 1 x Siberian Husky

    70 GM Coupons: (From 75 to 70)

    - 1x Extend Cash Deposit by 90 days

    - 1x Noble Scroll of Companion Transformation – 100% of Chance to change the appearance of your companion without losing any level

    - 1x Warrior Bag of Bravery – 16 spaces permanent

    - 1x 130% Growth Potion for Guilds (24h))

    - Scroll of Constancy (This scroll allows you to use and rename your mount for another 30 days) (new item)

    80 GM Coupons:

    - 1 x Extend Cash Deposit by 180 days

    - 1 x 25.000 Bonus Points

    - 1x Elixir of wealth ( during 3h, you will get the double of the value of items sold to NPC)

    90 GM-Coupons:(New category)

    - Your Equipment in a color of your choice

    • 5x armor and 1x weapon, only redeemable if all 6pieces are present! Not only 2 or 3 pieces
    • All existing colors and colorless
    • You can choose the color per piece
    • You must wear the items or put them in a separate backpack containing only these items
    • The selected colour disappears when you upgrade the item

    100 GM Coupons: (from 125 to 100)

    (all these weapons are level 1, to be upgraded or used to transmogrification, NO SPECIAL STATS!)

    - 1x Prokell's Sword (Warrior, Night Walker, Archer)

    - 1x Sword of a Skeleton Warrior (Warrior, Night Walker, Archer)

    - 1x Zodor's Weapon (Warrior, Archer)

    - 1x Iron Orc's Large Sword (Warrior)

    - 1x Urkhai's Shortsword (Night Walker, Archer)

    - 1x Gnoll Shortsword (Night Walker, Archer)

    - 1x Minotaur's Slaughter Hammer ( Warrior)

    - 1x Little Muray's Two (Warrior)

    - 1x Ogre's Mighty Hammer (Warrior)

    - 1x Primate Sceptre (Mage, Priest, Summoner)

    - 1x Richie's Sickle (Warrior, Archer)

    - 1x Richie's Sickle (Mage, Priest, Summoner)

    - 1x Moman's Trident (Warrior, Archer)

    - 1x Moman's Trident (Mage, Priest, Summoner)

    - 1x Dragon Trident (Warrior, Archer)

    - 1x Dragon Trident (Mage, Priest, Summoner)

    - 1x Trident of the Naga (Warrior, Archer)

    - 1x Trident of the Naga (Mage, Priest, Summoner)

    - 1x Armageddon (Mage, Priest, Summoner)

    - 1x Iberian Annihilator (Warrior, Night Walker, Archer)

    - 1x Sweet Death (Night Walker)

    - 1x Ghost Sword (Warrior, Night Walker, Archer)

    125 GM Coupons: (from 150 to 125)

    (everything level 1, to be upgraded or used to transmogrification, NO SPECIAL STATS!)

    - 1 x Cloak Heart

    - 1 x Cloak Smiley

    - 1 x Cloak Pirate

    - 1 x Cloak Valorian

    - 1 x Cloak Derion

    - 1 x Cloak Gor

    - 1 x Cloak of nationalities

    200 GM Coupons:

    - 1x Companion Rune of Choice

    The german companion list: here

    225 GM Coupons:

    Costumes that cannot be upgraded:

    -1x Tebekut Swimwear

    -1x Mirhur Swimwear

    -1x Kokuma Swimwear

    -1x Breathing Mask

    -1x 4Story Hat

    -1x Military Hat

    -1x Green Fur Hat

    -1x Blue Fur Hat

    Special Companions

    - Beach umbrella


    - Lounger


    - Palm tree


    250 GM Coupons:

    Upgradable Costume:

    - 1x Traditional Korean Beanie

    - 1x Smart Aleck's Glasses

    - 1x Guy Fawkes Mask

    - 1x Monocle

    - 1x Ball Mask

    - 1x Sunglasses

    - 1x Bat Mask

    - 1x Pumpkin Helmet

    900 GM – Coupons:

    -1x permanent guardian angel (5. min cooldown) (It's bounded to the character, not possible to sell, trade or transfer. Player needs to indicate in which character he wants.


    Ruya likes this.
  • Dear players,

    thank you so much for your feedback and suggestions. All of it it's forwarded to Gameforge and ,while many things are not possible to do or implement, we are glad to inform you about the following changes in the GM Coupon List of Rewards:

    - now is possible to request only 1 piece of equipment level 48 for 30GM Coupons

    - the level 48 cloak is now 30GM Coupons

    - now is possible to request 1 weapon level 48 for 30GM Coupons

    - now is possible to request a special effect in individual pieces for 25 GM Coupons

    If you requested any of these items in exchange for a higher amount of Coupons since 05.10.2024, please contact support and the difference of the amount of GM Coupons will be sent/added to your character.

    We wish you an enjoyable game!

    Your 4Story Team
